Iron is an essential element for the normal development and function of all tissues in the human body. Children, particularly babies,  need iron for brain and physical development. There is currently an iron deficiency crisis in Africa. Phosphatine is a cereal fortified with iron. The task was to create a manifesto brand campaign to drive behavioural change. Phosphatine's purpose is to be the first choice for every Mum, providing the foundation for every child to achieve more in life.
Mothers, especially in Africa, work very hard, so we wanted to acknowledge that it takes a strong mother to make her child strong. Mothers come from different cultures and traditions, so the images reflected this.
The campaign launched with billboards in French-speaking Africa - Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon and Mauritius.
Ivory Coast 
Facebook Affirmation Posts
CLIENT: Danone
AGENCY: Metropolitan Republic
ROLE: Art Direction, Concept, Concept Development, Design

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